Spa Superfoods

by Ribby Hall - 19th July 19

Vegan Menu

Research has shown that there are now over half a million vegans in the UK and every year their numbers are growing. People decide to give up meat, dairy and honey for so many reasons including concerns over animal welfare, but last year studies showed that over 46% of new vegans actually do it for health reasons. So, we thought we’d take a quick look at how a vegan lifestyle can actually benefit you!


Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle

  • Helps the digestive system – fruit and vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties so in turn by consuming a plant-based diet naturally your chances of health issues such as IBS and more serious gut diseases such as bowel cancer are lowered, and a fibre rich diet will keep the gut happy and moving.
  • Helps a healthy heart – Research has shown that a vegan diet can reduce cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes by up to 25%!
  • Gives you more energy – There are no facts behind this just yet, however many people have documented that they felt like they had more energy once becoming vegan. This could be down to a more balanced blood sugar level, not eating meat which requires a lot of energy to digest and eating more carbohydrates.
  • Can help you lose weight – eating mainly fruit and veg means that you are consuming a large amount less of saturated fats which can in turn lead to weight loss.
  • Improves skin tone and quality – the natural anti-oxidants in a plant based diet feed your skin and also eating less processed foods and dairy products should promote a more glowing complexion.
  • Helps ease symptoms of arthritis – studies have shown that adopting a healthy plant based diet can help reduce symptoms of all types of arthritis.
  • Reduces Carbon footprint on the planet – which may not be of benefit in your life time but will have an impact on your family.
  • Reduces chance of certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and some Cancers.


Famous vegan’s include: Beyonce, Brad Pitt, Zac Effron, Arianna Grande, Madonna and Samuel L.Jackson.

NEW Vegan Menus

So whether you are an animal lover, or are interested in becoming vegan for other reasons there’s a lot of research to say that the health benefits are overwhelmingly positive. At The Spa Hotel, we understand that veganism isn’t simply a trend and is now a part of so many people’s day to day lives.

So, at The Orangery our Head Chef Michael Noonan has developed a mouth watering, fantastic, NEW vegan and gluten free menu. You can enjoy delicious dishes such as Potato, chickpea and spinach curry, coriander, coconut and Vanilla rice pudding, rum, golden raisin, mmmmmm. The NEW menu launches today and we can’t wait to get your feedback!

Our approach to a plant-based future doesn’t end there either! We work with wonderful product houses Elemis and NEOM who both offer vegan skincare products available in our Spa boutique – simply ask our staff for more information or take a look at the Elemis and NEOM websites. We are also working on pulling together a menu of our vegan spa treatments – watch this space!