“My knee surgeon said any sort of running was out of the question”

by Matthew Worthington - 30th May 24

Post by: Ian Whitby 

I know there’s always loads of posts on here (LinkedIn) from well organised goal driven individuals passing on their words of enlightenment and inspirational life ‘journeys’. I’m generally not one of those people. I just tend to do stuff with little thought or planning and see what happens.

And so it was that I decided on the spur of the moment to join several other colleagues in doing Blackpool 10k *fun* run as part of an inter-department team competition. My thinking was; I’d done 5k a couple of times and survived and well 10k is just like two 5ks next to each other. What could go wrong? 🤷‍♂️

Ian runs Blackpool 10K

It wasn’t that long ago that I couldn’t jog 100m nevermind 10k, in fact about a year ago my knee surgeon said any sort of running was out of the question. Those words, atrial fibrillation and cardio-version were all the inspiration I needed to get my act together and sort my life out!!

I’m lucky enough to now work at a place where I have access to a well equipped gym (free for staff), wellness coaches, lovely grounds to walk, friendly encouraging colleagues and a vicious torturer who calls himself a PT instructor (he’s really nice really). Over the last 9 months or so I’ve dropped 30kg in weight.

So there I was on the hottest day of the year so far 🥵, with c2000 others, at the starting line having some serious words with myself about my life choices and indeed sanity!!! 😱

Anyway….. short story long, I did it. Go me!!! 🏅

My goal was to complete it in under a day, I actually did it in just under 1hr 15mins. I also raised over £300 for Trinity Hospice which my work will match, so over £600 plus gift aid.

Big props to everyone there that did it, from the runners to the walkers – well done. NEVER AGAIN!!